Our Approach

We work with integrity and are passionate about keeping our goal in mind. Improving the young lives of others. We have guidelines designed to help us make the greatest impact possible. We provide hope and leave a legacy of hope.


Main Objectives



Foster holistic child development by imparting moral values, instilling the fear of God, and nurturing positive interpersonal relationships.

Establish and manage orphanage centers dedicated to providing comprehensive support to orphans. This includes offering free school bursaries, providing shelter, ensuring access to food, clothing, and counseling services, among other essentials.

To set up schools at all levels that provide basic and other forms of formal and technical education to orphans and street children, those whose parents cannot afford school due among others.

Work with partners and other ministries to equip the local Church to fulfil its God-given objective of demonstrating God’s multi-faceted wisdom through the Church to the world.


Institutional Partnership


Community Development

To carry out activities to educate the community on relevant social and economic issues such as human rights, health, and to carry out construction of schools, roads and social centres.

Starting up developmental and income generating projects such as poultry farming, urban farming, tailoring, etc, for elder persons who are still energetic to enhance their earnings.

Acting as a resource for elderly persons who have need of such assistance by reason of their poverty or social and economic hardships/ circumstances. Providing advice, assistance and organizing programmes and other activities as a means of ensuring that their conditions in life are improved.

We believe children are our future, and we're committed to nurturing their growth and potential.